The Injured Runner

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Being a runner not being able to run due to an injury is just about the worst state of being! You’re moody, winy, restless, and (temporarily) no fun to be around. Can you imagine what it is like to live with an injured runner? Let’s just say that everyone that surrounds them feels the pain – haha!

If you’ve been there before then you can relate. You avoid your runner friends, because you don’t dare want to admit that you are injured. It’s almost like if you talk about being injured then you will have to accept it, and what runner wants to accept an injury? It’s much easier to pretend that it does not exist and not go to the doctor. Then after about two weeks of no running you get worried that your injury is serious, but still do not go to the doctor. No, instead you Google anything you can find that relates to your symptoms, so you can diagnose and treat yourself, plus find out what the turn-around time is to get back to running again!

Recently I injured my Achilles tendon while walking in sand on a beach. It wasn’t even a running injury! I was so mad. I missed out on a few pre-planned social runs, and I had to drop out of a half-marathon event that I had already paid and registered to run in. What has seemed like an eternity of no running, has in reality only been a few weeks. Now that I am in my third week of no running, and just barely been able to go for walks, I have found that I have become a bit wiser in coming back. I am taking my time and easing into it. At this point, even my previous aches and pains in which I would run through has subsided. I feel like a new runner with a new body and fresh legs. I am looking forward to coming back and who knows, this time I might even come back stronger.

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