Raleigh, NC – History, Running, & Brews

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Raleigh, North Carolina – a diverse composition of hardworking people who love freedom and thrive on continuous development and growth.  After World War II, Raleigh became a hub for shipping and distribution making the City a point of interest for retail and manufactures.  Today, Raleigh is still very industrialized and has a fast-growing business market making it attractive for small business start-ups.

The people of Raleigh are a great mix of various cultures and very few natives – everyone being welcoming and hospitable to visitors.  The runners are Raleigh are much the same excited to have an outsider run with the pact and the scenery was breath taking!  I had the opportunity to run at the Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve located in Wake Forest with a route of paved paths and a few bridges surrounded by pastures and woodlands adjacent to the Neuse River.  Pretty spectacular and highly recommended if in the area.

Breweries seemed the place to be on the weekends with food trucks and market vendors, and all were family friendly…even dog friendly.  Our two favorite breweries in Raleigh were Trophy Wife Brewery and Rose Compass Brewery.  Trophy Wife is great depending on weather, as it has a great outdoor patio atmosphere.  Rose Compass is where you want to go when it’s cold outside, as it is indoors with games and complimentary popcorn.  Both breweries are kid friendly.

A couple of facts to know about Raleigh North Carolina:

  • Raleigh is pronounced RAW-LEE
  • Fall is a spectacular scene
  • The weather is completely unpredictable
  • For a fun running group connect with Fleet Feet in North Raleigh
  • Would I go back to Raleigh? YES!

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