
Cooking for my family can be tricky when it comes to creating healthy dairy free meals.  Having one child anaphylactic to eggs and all egg products and a husband allergic to milk, I have had to be creative preparing meals that are satisfying to an adult palate and still kid friendly. One thing that I have discovered with kids when it comes to diet is that they love variety, and usually will follow their parent or caretaker’s example.   Plus almost any ingredient can be substituted or even eliminated to make a healthier alternative meal. Below are some of our family’s favorite vegan dishes.  Click photo for recipe.

Vegan Recipes

Vegan Scramble

Vegan Green Chili & Black Bean Enchiladas

Motivation Monday Salad

Papas con Soyrizo

Vegan Yellow Coconut Curry Dish

Vegan Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies

Vegan Black Bean Corn Salad

Caribbean Coconut Black Beans & Rice

East Coast Cucumber Salad